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No form of accident is acceptable at any of our forecourts. We strive and work hard to ensure that all our staff and customers go home safe every day. Nothing can be more important than personal safety – own safety and that of everyone around us.

Explosive Mixtures

At Power Filling Station, we are committed to maintaining a safe environment at our fuel station by implementing appropriate control measures. To eliminate formation of vapour cloud or explosive mixtures, our facilities are regularly maintained, safe loading and unloading procedures in place, and we use competent, trained and dedicated staff. We use planning, design and risk assessments to eliminate and reduce explosive mixtures.


We understand the potential risks associated with the storage and dispensing of flammable fuels, and we take proactive measures to mitigate fire risks. We have implemented systems to predict, prevent, control and mitigate the consequences of any potential fires in all our facilities.

We understand the critical importance of fire prevention and rapid response in safeguarding our customers, employees, and properties.

Health Hazards

The health and well-being of our customers, employees, and the surrounding communities are of utmost importance to us. We promote good occupational health by ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and by providing clear guidance and information through our health principles. We are committed to ensuring safe people, safe place and a healthy work environment for everyone who visits our premises.

First Aid Measures

Our commitment to HSSE ensures that prompt and appropriate first aid measures are taken, ensuring the best possible outcome for anyone in need. We maintain a well-stocked first aid kit on-site, containing essential supplies to address minor injuries and provide initial medical care. Also, our trained First Aiders have the requisite skills to administer immediate first aid assistance.


We ensure adequate security protection of our premises, to ensure the safety of our customers, staff and properties. We understand the importance of creating a secure environment in which fuel transactions can take place seamlessly. We promote and maintain a positive security culture, and take account of security issues in all aspects of our operations and planning.

Product Spilage

We prioritize the responsible handling and storage of petroleum products. As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability and ensuring the safety of our customers, staff and the communities we operate. We have implemented robust measures to prevent product spillage, by employing industry best practices and best available techniques not entailing excessive cost. We strive to minimize the risk of spills and mitigate their potential impact on the environment.

Personal Protective

At Power Filling Station, the safety and well-being of our customers and staff are of utmost importance. We recognize the potential hazards and risks inherent in fuel handling and are committed to maintaining a safe work environment for everyone involved. We provide, monitor and enforce the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at all times.

Emergency Response

We prioritize the safety and well-being of our customers, employees, and the surrounding communities. We understand that emergencies can occur unexpectedly, and we are committed to ensuring a swift and effective emergency response.

Our emergency response plan is designed to handle a wide range of situations, including but not limited to fires, explosion, spills, medical accidents, and natural disasters.

Fire Fighting

We understand the potential risks associated with the storage and dispensing of flammable fuels, and we take proactive measures to mitigate fire risks. We have implemented systems to predict, prevent, control and mitigate the consequences of any potential fires in all our facilities.

We understand the critical importance of fire prevention and rapid response in safeguarding our customers, employees, and properties.

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